
Posts Tagged ‘Burma’



This picture was taken in Bagan, Myanmar (formerly Burma). This is a group of young buddhist monks going to collect alms. This was a lucky shot, we had woken up early and happened to see these monks passing the gates of our hotel on our way to breakfast. Myanmar is a predominantly Buddhist country, and Bagan seems to have a particularly high number of Buddhist monks. It was really cool to see this, and i’m sure if you want to make sure you see it while you’re there, you could ask the front desk at your hotel when/ where it happens. Myanmar is still not a heavily touristed country, and it is a somewhat conservative place. It’s important to know about this and try to be respectful of this when traveling there. Try to cover your legs, at least to your knees, especially when you are entering temples, it’s also important to cover your shoulders and remove both shoes AND socks when entering any of the numerous pagodas in Bagan. It’s always a good idea to have a sarong with you to cover up for these visits. When watching the monks go for Alms, be respectful! Don’t take flash pictures, don’t break their line, and don’t talk to them. Being culturally considerate is something that I always stress, keep in mind that whenever, and wherever you travel, you are a visitor,  try your  best to be respectful of the traditions and beliefs of the place that you are visiting.

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Hello everyone! Sorry i’ve been MIA for a while now! I just completed my last quarter of my undergraduate (which meant lots of extra work towards the end of the quarter) AND I’ve just gotten back from a trip (two brand new countries!). I’ve taken LOADS of pictures of all of the beautiful and amazing places we visited. In the 15 days we were gone I took well over 2,000 pictures of the three awesome countries we visited. Soon to come: Pictures from Myanmar (Burma), Laos, and Thailand. Oh, and Happy New Year to everyone! May this new year bring you all lots of happy and exciting adventures!

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